Successful Diabetes

Successful Diabetes


We have written a number of books, have contributed to books written by others and have also published books written by valued colleagues.

Follow this link to see our complete range of books. You can also find out about overseas editions and how to obtain the other books to which we have contributed.

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Workshops include SD books!

We're delighted to announce that relevant workshops include as standard a complimentary copy of the supporting SD book for each participant or participating team. This means extra resources to help with putting learning into practice and key references always close to hand!

Each participant will also automatically receive SD's fresh new certificate of attendance, either in hard copy or electronically - or both if you wish!. Please see the individual workshop pages below for details or consult the SD Workshop Booklist!

Read on for everything you need to know about SD workshops...

With us, you can hold the workshop of your dreams!

Our workshops are enjoyable, practical and cost-effective and use evidence based techniques, recently cited by the Health Foundation: '...Feedback and small group discussions are effective training strategies if they are learner-centred, practice oriented and last at least one day' (Ovretveit, J, 2012)

Follow the links from the 'Workshops' section of 'Working with Diabetes' tab above, for all the details...


Working With Diabetes

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Donec ligula nibh, pharetra ut nunc vel, semper egestas sapien. Aenean hendrerit, massa sed pellentesque sagittis, purus orci faucibus turpis, eu mollis nisl nulla vitae nulla. Maecenas eget metus vel mauris dignissim dignissim. Pellentesque malesuada euismod tellus. Ut in nisl scelerisque, vulputate nibh nec, ornare magna. Nam sit amet leo a magna commodo luctus et a nulla. Nulla sed nisl egestas, aliquet neque at, lacinia nibh. Ut fermentum id nibh sed facilisis.

Integer aliquet aliquam condimentum. Proin sit amet adipiscing turpis, sit amet tincidunt dolor. Ut pulvinar eleifend purus, eu porta leo volutpat id. Fusce cursus, enim nec dapibus scelerisque, tortor lectus bibendum lectus, sed aliquet nulla purus non mi. Morbi placerat vehicula sem, at imperdiet massa aliquet vel. Nullam hendrerit dictum augue, non varius leo. Nam sagittis odio enim, vel pharetra dolor consequat vitae.

Aliquam a porta purus. Etiam volutpat leo ut quam tincidunt sollicitudin. Vestibulum posuere risus vel felis vehicula auctor. Donec consequat mauris non justo malesuada, non volutpat risus iaculis. Nulla eget adipiscing nunc. Ut in nisi feugiat, hendrerit justo a, blandit odio. Aliquam erat volutpat. Vestibulum eget ullamcorper nisi. Duis sagittis facilisis erat quis viverra. Vivamus scelerisque laoreet quam gravida sagittis.

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